I wanna hold'em like they do in Texas Plays
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No, you can't read my poker face

Still the literature project
Thursday, September 17, 2009 7:46 AM
Individual Project Work
Reflective Essay

The story that I have chosen "The Father" from Catherine Lim's Little Ironies. I chose this poem as we can use this poem to express our feelings about this father who was remorseful for what he had done. To me, this story is the most easiest and able to under story amongst the others.The story is very touching and can touches many hearts.
The challenges i faced in composing this poem was that i could not really find rhyming words in my poem because it is difficult to rhyme one word to another.
I have chose to use blog to present my poem. Even though I have no knowledge of blogging,i've decided to use blogging as it will be a new experience for me to try to learn how to blog at least.
The poetry slam coaching clinic was a new experience and a good one as it helps me in creating this poem for my project. I learnt how to write a poem thanks to the coaching clinic as they gave us a booklet with some tips in it.
In this project, i learnt how to write a poem.

Literature Poem
7:08 AM
Father's mistakes
based on Catherine Lim's Little Ironies " The Father"

The father,
a drunkard.
That time,
he brought good food.
But good times do not last,
do they?

He beat up his children and wife,
for half of his life.
He had this child,
call MuiMui,
who whine non-stop,
till the end of the day.

Until one day,
he had enough.
He sent her to Heaven's door,
and he never ever heard the whine again.

When people were crying,
for his dead daughter,
he finally woke up,
woke up from his world.

"MuiMui, my poor child!"
He called.
But the poor girl,
was never once able to hear this.
Was lying in her grave stifflessly.

The bereaved father,
who truly love his children,
let down tears and cried for his child.
"He may have been drunk,
but he truly loved his child",
was the condolence the neighbours could gave.

He soon dried up his tears,
and walked away.
And soon,
he came back,
with a whole big paper bag,
full of things which his children never seen.

His children were trying to guess,
what was in that paper bag.

The father was out again,
with his 5 other children,
creeping behind.
He knelt in front of the grave,
said his heartfelt words,
left a bag of food behind.

The impatient children,
ran to the grave,
and managed to retrieve
quite a feast.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009 7:25 AM
Im going to put the poem inside soon le..... maybe tmr bah...

Hey. I'm a girl. I like stuffs that I like. I hate stuffs that I hate.

Name: Natalie Yee Jing Yi
Big Day: 11 Feb 1996
School: Hua Yi Sec
Class: 1E4

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